
ESA QLD Models: Facts, Artefacts or Fictions? Professor Mary Morgan (LSE)


From: Monday April 18, 2016, 6:00 pm

To: Monday April 18, 2016, 7:15 pm

Economists do it with models. Ever wonder why? In this lecture, Professor Morgan looks at the history of some of the classics of economic thought. Including the hallowed supply-demand diagram and the history of their development in order to understand how they reach out from the page to embed themselves in, and present objects of, economic reality.

A must-attend event for anyone who wishes to really understand their economics.

Public Lecture Overview

Professor Mary Morgan's public lecture Models: Facts, Artefacts or Fictions will explore a short history and philosophy of models in economics to develop notion of ‘keys’ to match mathematical models to empirics of the world.

The lecture will cover case material including:

  • Fogel’s counterfactual economy and importance of fictions
  • Simple Supply and Demand diagram as artefacts leading to Marshall’s work and ‘empty economic boxes’ argument
  • Models for econometrics and identification questions 
  • Economic experiments as ways to get facts to stick to models

This public lecture is supported byUQ School of Economics, ESA Queensland and Emmanuel College


Guest Speaker

Professor Mary Morgan

London School of Economics

Mary is Professor of History and Philosophy of Economics at the London School of Economics and retains links with the University of Amsterdam and University of Pennsylvania. She has published a number of papers on economic modelling and measurement and the links to policy, ideas brought together in a full-length book study: The World in the Model: How Economists Work and Think (2012). Mary was elected Fellow of the British Academy in July 2002 and elected as an Overseas Fellow of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences in May 2002.

Register Now

This event is free to attend, but make sure you register now because seats are limited. Please visit https://www.cvent.com/c/express/b972383d-bbaf-4777-aa84-a866ede245d0 and enter your information to register for this event.




University of Queensland

Room 360, Physiology Lecture Theatres (Building 63), St Lucia QLD 4072

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