
Cost Benefit Analysis in contemporary project evaluation


From: Wednesday September 7, 2016, 4:00 pm

To: Wednesday September 7, 2016, 6:30 pm

Cost Benefit Analysis in contemporary project evaluation – a facilitated discussion between academics, practioners and public policy advisors

The use of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has become an important component of any business case for major infrastructure expenditure in Australia and, in some cases, is mandated by legislation. CBA and project Benefit Cost Ratios (BCRs) are now routinely discussed by politicians and the media - particularly when the project has some element of controversy (think, for example, of Canberra Light Rail or Cross River Rail).

This event aims to identify the key challenges in the contemporary use of CBA in the evaluation of major projects.  The format will involve a brief presentation from the perspective of a public policy advisor, followed by a facilitated discussion between three main sectors involved in CBA in Australia – academics who teach, research and consult in relation to CBA; professional economics consultants working on major project business cases; and public sector policy advisors who commission, interpret and advise on the outcomes of CBA.

The aim of the discussion is to build networks across those active in CBA in Queensland, identify common ground and issues for further analysis and research, as well as possible themes for future events. 

The session will be followed by drinks and savouries. 

There is no charge for the event but prior registration is required and places are limited.

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QUT Executive Education Centre, Level 4

QUT Gardens Point, B Block, Brisbane QLD 4000

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