

ACE 2021 celebrated over 100 years of welfare economics and brought together like-minded individuals to explore concepts of allocation, utilisation and distribution of our resources as they relate to the wealth and wellbeing of individuals and our society. The conference program featured presentations on research and/or policy papers that deal with Wealth, Wellbeing and other issues in economics.

Where permission has been received, below are the presentations from ACE2021.


Syed Abbas Foreign Aid and Remittance Nexus: Evidence from South Asia
Peter  Abelson Intergenerational Well-Being: Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials in Australia
Andilip Afroze Does Social Safety Net Matter? Observing Heterogeneity and Disaster Resilience of Social Protection Portfolio in Bangladesh
Sherzod  Akhundjanov Industry Compliance Costs Under the Renewable Fuel Standard: Evidence from Compliance Credits
Mehwish Ghulam  Ali Gender and Multidimensional Poverty: Does Individual Level Analysis Matter?
Kannapiran  Arjunan Validity of NPV Rule and IRR Criterion for Investment Analysis, Capital Budgeting and CBA
Olivier  Bargain Intrahousehold inequality, policy and culture
Nicolau Martin  Bassols Risky and Non-Risky Financial Investments and Cognition
Ariun-Erdene  Bayarjargal Determinants of Innovation by Type
Prasad  Bhattacharya Land Reform as a Panacea: Evidence from Rural Protests in Latin America
Darryl  Biggar Welfare Economics, Sunk Investments and Public Policy
Anam Bilgrami Do Standardised Workplace Health and Safety Laws and Increased Enforcement Activities Reduce the Probability of Receiving Workers' Compensation?
Francine Blau What do we know about the Gender Wage Gap?
Harry Bloch Prices and Economic Evolution
Ferdi  Botha The Impact of Commuting Time on Life Satisfaction in Australia
Ishita Chatterjee Age of Majority and the Exclusion Restriction in the Power of the Pill
Shawn Chen Taxation Resource Curse - Evidence from China
Yury  Chernykh The Impact of Global Economic Crises of 2001 and 2009 on New Zealand Graduates’ Labour Market Outcomes
Sol Chung The Impact of Mortgage Brokers on Borrowers' Preferences and Perceptions
Michael Coelli Unintended Consequences of School Accountability Reforms: Evidence from Australia
Diana  Contreras Suarez Gender Wage Differences in Indonesia: Does Education Mismatch Matter?
Ashley Craig Discipline Reform, School Culture, and Student Achievement
Henry Cutler The Role of Financial Literacy When Paying for Aged Care
Ngawang  Dendup Returns to Grid Electricity on Firewood Consumption and Mechanism
Pannilage Niluka Suranji Perera  Ekanayake Trade and Economic Growth: Does the Sophistication of Traded Goods Matter?
Adnan  Fakir The Health Costs of a Healthy Democracy
Ellen  Foley How Does Exposure to War in Early Childhood Affect Adolescent Health and Wellbeing?
Gigi Foster Causes, costs and consequences of COVID mania in Australia
Paul Frijters CBA Analysis: A new tool for government policy formation, applied to COVID
Renee Fry-McKibbin Measuring the Global Comovements of Interest Rates: Implications for Monetary Interdependence
David Gilchrist Transitioning the Australian Welfare State: The Unnatural Fit of Quasi Markets in Australian Human Services Delivery
Megan Godwin Coping With COVID: Australian Women's Coping Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo What’s Mine is Yours: Sovereign Risk Transmission During the European Debt Crisis
Güzhan  Gülay How Will Stock Exchanges Continue to Create Value?
Luke Hartigan Monitoring and Nowcasting Activity Using a Combination of Monthly Indicators
Josiah Hickson &
Joseph Marshan
Hickson and Marshan Gendered Consequences of Natural Disaster Exposure: Evidence from Australia
Joe  Hirschberg Investment in Australian Aboriginal Art
Huyen Hoang Occupational Choice, Human Capital and Welfare: The Case of Vietnam
Cedric Hodges &
David O'Callaghan
Hodges and O'Callaghan CGE Modelling of the Net Impact from Australia's Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy
Scott  Hook How Can We Build Resilient Outcomes for Infrastructure in the Pacific?
Shaiara  Husain Renewable Energy Production and Geopolitical Risk
Quynh  Huynh Paying (and Paving) My Way: The Impacts of Extra Class Participation on Primary School Pupils in Vietnam
Richard Iles Twenty-First Century Tools to Solve A Twentieth Century Debate: The Role of Complexity in the Economic Calculation Debate
Nataliya  Ilyushina Mental Health of New Parents: Does the First Child Change Mother's and Father's Mental Health?
Muheed  Jamaldeen The Role of Transport Accessibility in Determining Spatial Inequality and Disadvantage
Jennifer  Jenkins Valuing Green Infrastructure 
Nicole  Kagan Not So Super? An Analysis of the Australian Early Release of Superannuation Program
Jaslin Kalsi Parenthood and the Intra-Household Distribution of Subjective Wellbeing
Prashan Karunaratne Keeping Economics R.E.A.L.
Saima Khan Does BRAC Provide Highly Effective Schooling in Developing Countries?
Christoher King Exploring the Intensive and Extensive Margin of Employment in A CGE Framework
Inga Kristoffersen Income, Wealth and Subjective Wellbeing: Considerations and Implications for Assumptions about Marginal Utilities
Ranpati Dewage Thilini Sumudu  Kumari Un-Incorporation and Misallocation: Firm-Level Evidence from Sri Lanka
Taufan Kurnianto The Impact of Loss of Health Insurance on Health: Evidence from Indonesia
Peter  Lake Nowcasting Australia’s Labour Market at Disaggregated Levels
Morten Lau Constant Discounting, Temporal Stability and Dynamic Consistency in Denmark: A Longitudinal Field Experiment
Phan Le Capital Misallocation and State Ownership Policy in Vietnam
Chanyoung  Lee An Analysis on the Employment Relationship of Domestic and Foreign Workers in the Regional Labor Market in Korea Using Instrumental Variable Method
Bei Li Education Subsidies, Labor-Income Taxes, and the Pay-As-You-Use Principle
Ting Li and Mary Farrugia Li and Farrugia Experimental Research on Building a Health Activity Satellite Account in Australia
Gerard Lind What Happens When a Robot Takes Your Job? De-Routinisation Dynamics and Displaced Worker Outcomes
Xianglong (Locky)  Liu Towards Better Banking Crisis Prediction: Could an Automatic Variable Selection Process Improve the Performance?
Sofina Maharjan Role of Rental Market, Government Subsidy and Learning in the Adoption of Laser Land Leveller in India: A Discrete-Time Duration Analysis  
Kalyani Mangalika Lakmini Rathu  Manannalage Differential Impacts of Education on Food Consumption Behaviour: A Study of Household Level Calorie Consumption Data
Marc Jim  Mariano Foreign-Domestic Substitution, Import Penetration and CGE Modelling
Joseph Marshan Intergenerational Link of Female Labor Participation: Evidence From Indonesia
Lachlan McCall '‘Stephanie Kelton and Gary Banks Walk into a Bar’: Emerging Fiscal Paradigms and Their Implications for Microeconomic Reform
Eamon McGinn Alcohol Outlets and Crime
Douglas Mcleod The Economic Structure of a One-Period Security Market
Jordy Meekes Agglomeration Economies and the Urban Wage Premium in Australia
Stefan Meyer Self-Control and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity
Hammed  Musibau Environmental Performance in the West African Economy: A Quantile-GMM Approach
Odmaa  Narantungalag No Pains, No Gains? Mining Pollution and Morbidity in Mongolia
Jason Nassios The Financial and Economic Implications of Highway Expenditure Programmes in the US: When is Debt Best?
Kelly  Neill Market Power and Vertical Integration in Australia’s Eastern Natural Gas Network
Luan  Nguyen Impacts of Regulatory, Managerial and Technological Factors on Energy Efficiency: A Novel Study in the Vietnamese Industries
Bao Hoang  Nguyen Healthcare Structural Reform and the Performance of Public Hospitals: The Case of Queensland, Australia
Hai Nguyen How Does the Productivity of FDI Spill Over to Domestic Firms in Vietnamese Manufacturing?
Thao Nguyen The Impacts of Outdoor Time-Use on Children’s School Readiness
Philip Norman Container Freight Technologies: The Economics of an Innovation
Nhung Nguyen Impacts of Short-Term Participation Tax Rates on Labor Supply in Australia
Rachel Ong ViforJ Tenure Transitions at the Edges of Home Ownership: A Cross-country Analysis
Michael Palmer Disability and Employment over the Life Cycle
Babu Ram  Pantha Effects of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Firms' Innovation
Humaira Kamal  Pasha Gender Differences in Education: Are Girls Neglected in Pakistani Society?
Xiujian  Peng Economic Implications of Carbon Neutrality in China - A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis 
Aubrey Poon Reconciled Estimates of Monthly GDP in the US
Alison  Preston Trends in Gender Discrimination in Australia, 2001 to 2019
Lin Qi Higher-Order Comoment Contagion Among G20 Equity Markets During the CoVID-19 Pandemic
Muhammad Habibur  Rahman Railroads to Development: Evidence from Colonial Railroad Stations in Malaysia
Gulasekaran Rajaguru & Safdar Khan Rajaguru and Khan Role of Energy in Welfare-Related TFP: Evidence from BRICS? 
John Rose &
Stefan Kuegler
Rose and Kuegler A New Approach to Measuring Subjective Wellbeing: Introducing an Anchored Best-Worst Scaling (ABWS) Method
Anthony  Rossiter Guiding the Practical Selection of Appropriate Tailored Regulatory Interventions: An Application to Biosecurity
Aneeq  Sarwar Geographic Localisation of Knowledge: Does Distance Impede Scientific Discourse?
Nourin Shabnam Food Availability, Food Entitlement, and Double Catastrophe in Early Life: Unique Lessons from the 1974–1975 Bangladesh Famine
Audrey Kim Lan  Siah Post-Earthquake Maternal Mental Disorder and Intergenerational Outcomes: Evidence from Indonesia
Kathryn Smith JobSeeker Payment: Understanding Economic and Policy Trends Affecting Commonwealth Expenditure
Sadhana  Srivastava The Long-Run Relationship Between Globalisation and Inequality in Developed Countries Revisited: New Evidence From 25 OECD Economies
Anita  Staneva The Mental Health Impact of Pandemic on Minority Ethnic Groups – The Causes and Dynamics of Vulnerability
Riko Stevens Arthur Cecil Pigou on Speculation: A Marshallian Analysis of Institutions and Economic Welfare
Sabrina  Tabassum Occupational Mobility of Natives vs Immigrants in Australia
Shann Turnbull Can Digital Technology Make Autonomously Traded Firms More Efficient
Samarth Vaidya The Impact of Social Media on Traditional News Consumption
Ha  Vu Income and Saving Responses to Tax Incentives for Private Retirement Savings
Jane  Wakeford Quantile Treatment Effects and Quantile Decompositions: The Motherhood Penalty and Social Norms
Robert Waschik Evaluating the Impact of Automation in Long-Haul Trucking
Timothy Watson Hysteresis and Full Employment in a Small Open Economy
Daniel Wheadon Pension Means Testing with Self Control Preferences
Christoher Whelan Markets and Environmental Goals
Hamid Yahyaei Bringing Credibility Back to Macroeconomic Policy Frameworks
Bo Zhang Stochastic Volatility Models with Arma Innovations: An Application to G7 Inflation Forecasts
Haiyang  Zhang Intellectual Property Rights, Business Profitability and Market Competition in the Australian Economy
Yixiao Zhou &
Sudyumna Dahal
Zhou and Dahal Has R&D Contributed to Productivity in China? The Role of Basic, Applied and Experimental R&D Activities
Federico  Zilio Health Shocks and Household Allocation of Time and Spending

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